Examination Management
End-to-end services for Paper-based and Computer-delivered Secure Examination Management.
We also undertake Brand building, Sales & Marketing activities for educational products.
Services Concept
We pride ourselves with providing high quality and world-class services to our clients. Our approach to services is to keep things simple and focus on blending customisation, technology, customer services, Security with ethical values and transparency and standardised SOPs.
Each project is unique and requires a customised treatment when planning the services offering. At Planet EDU, we put a lot of emphasis in understanding the project and customising services and solutions.
Integrating technology is at the core of all our services. We ensure scalable and cost-effective deliveries with in-house technology development capabilities.
Standardisation and Quality Assurance is the key of any services. We follow well defined operating procedures built for consistency across our delivery network. Our services are ISO 9001:2008 certified.
Our business model is simple and transparent. We partner for success and growth. We work on fixed fee, revenue share or a combination. We discuss and define deliverables and costs with the objective to remain to remain clear above board.
Examination Services
During the past 20 years, we have provided educational services to some of the world’s leading Awarding bodies, Assessment providers and Exam boards such as IDP:IELTS Australia, Cambridge Assessments English (part of University of Cambridge)-UK, Edexcel-a Pearson company-UK, Scottish Qualifications Authority-UK, Michigan Language Assessment-USA, Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment-Australia, Australian Pharmacy Council, Law School Admission Council-USA, Qualifications and Assessments International-UK.
- Web and Mobile application for the end-to-end management of the Examination process
Promotion, Sales & Marketing Services (B2b and B2c)
- Exam registration through call centre, web & mobile application
Payment gateway enabled multi-currency fee collection
Secure Printing (in-house), Packing and Distribution of exam material
Venue management including proctors, invigilators and test-day supervisors
Test day registration with on-site photo, biometric scans and other secure features
Paper-based exam administration
Computer-delivered exam administration including secure platform for test delivery
Video based secure Speaking / Oral test administration
Test day QC Audits (announced and surprise checks)
Trained & Certified Examiners, Assessors and Monitors
Centralised marking and Results processing
On-screen marking for written submissions
Post-test enquiry management and re-marking services
Data analytics based custom information & reports
Marketing Services
We provide a full-range, one-stop services for Promotion, Sales & Marketing to our clients.
Our services are customised and what makes us special is our understanding of the education segment and our network with Schools, Colleges, Universities, Private training centres and Test prep centres.
- Strategic planning
Website and Mobile App development & management
Promotional and Informational Video development
Digital media marketing
Social media management
Referral marketing
Events, Activities and Championships (B2b & B2c)
Awards and Recognition programmes
Sponsored and Hosted Webinars with experts
Traditional marketing activities
Networking and tie-ups
Back-end 24×7 managed CRM centre
Centralised marking and Results processing
On-screen marking for written submissions
Post-test enquiry management and re-marking services
Data analytics based custom information & reports
Technology Solutions
With in-house capabilities of full-fledged technology development and management, we offer our clients complete services required for all their technology needs. This includes IT infrastructure, Development, Hosting, Secure servers, Chatbots, CRM and any special requirements. AI integration, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) forms part of our specialisation.
Website and Mobile App development with Admin dashboards
Promotional and Information Video development
Web platform for Creating, Registering, Administering and Marking of online exams
Payment gateway integration for multi-currency fee collection
Web application for conducting Video based Speaking / Oral exams securely with both side recording
Web platform for hosting and delivering Online teaching and Webinars
Mobile App for end-to-end management of Paper-based exams
- Mobile App for Test-day registration
Mobile App for QC Audits
Mobile App for Examiner and Assessor management with performance reports
Development of AI enabled Chatbots
Production of interactive eBooks
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) enabled simulated products for familiarisation, practice and experience
Data management and hosting (GDPR Compliant)
Reports and Data Analytics services
Secure hosting services